The Coffee Bean

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf approached me to develop new package design concepts for their organic coffee line. The primary challenge was to identify an illustration style that was both straightforward and authentic to the region. I researched several options but ultimately selected a fun and uncomplicated look and feel. Although the concepts were not used, the knowledge and experience I gained from the project have proven invaluable in my work to this day.


Illustration, UI, Package, Visual and Print Design

The 'Winter Wednesday' campaign was an in-store display initiative that included a menu design, table-top banner, floor banner, and window decal.

This website concept was a reimagined design for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. My objective was to create a visually engaging website that combined menu options to make them more accessible. Although my concept was not ultimately used, I provided a compelling alternative option that they may consider implementing in the future.




Brand Summit